Browsing Archive: January, 2016

Sierra Leone: Safe Abortion Is Caesar's Business, Not God's

Posted by Jeneba Project on Thursday, January 28, 2016, In : Articles 

Whenever religious leaders in Sierra Leone unite on a political issue, the people, especially women, are bound to be on the losing side. The new cause célèbre of these sultans and deacons is their objection to the Safe Abortion Bill, which will allow a pregnancy of up to twelve weeks to be terminated without reason. It is curious that these sacred apostles (mostly men), do not come out in their cassocks and turbans against the extreme poverty, human rights violations, and ina...

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KATEHUN KATEHUN (pronounced Ka-te-hun)-is a Mende word for a symposium or community center where disputes are settled. Everyone is permitted to make his/her case before a presiding chief in an open forum. On this forum, I write primarily for those who stand committed to the Rule of Law in Africa and to the value that our future is better determined by the government of the people, by the people, and in service for the people. To advance the African value of Ubuntu through International Law and the Principles of a United Nations, which propels us towards Life in Larger Freedom.
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